/** * Amiro.CMS text editor * * Textarea editor with pseudo codes and preview support * @version 1.0. Last changes: 31/08/2007 * @copyright Amiro.CMS. All rights reserved. Changes are not allowed. */ function amiroTEdit(varName, langData){ this.isInitialized = false; this.currentMode = 'editor'; this.varName = varName; this.editorId = ''; this.idPreviewDiv = 'amiroTEdDivPreview'; this.previewButtonObj = undefined; this.editorObj = false; this.langData = (langData == undefined ? Array() : langData); this.isIE = true; this.useNoIndex = false; this.fontHeight = 15; this.regTextAreaResizeY = 0; this.editorModeCode = false; this.updatePreviewMode = ''; this.allowedImages = new Array (); this.aTags = { 'empty' : Array('', ''), 'bold' : Array('[B]', '[/B]'), 'indent' : Array('[INDENT]', '[/INDENT]'), 'code' : Array('[CODE]', '[/CODE]'), 'italic' : Array('[I]', '[/I]'), 'underlined' : Array('[U]', '[/U]'), 'quote' : Array('[Q]', '[Q="#\#value#\#"]', '[/Q]'), 'align:left' : Array('[LEFT]', '[/LEFT]'), 'align:right' : Array('[RIGHT]', '[/RIGHT]'), 'align:center' : Array('[CENTER]', '[/CENTER]'), 'align:justify' : Array('[JUSTIFY]', '[/JUSTIFY]'), 'ulist' : Array('[LIST]', '\n[/LIST]'), 'ulist_item' : Array('\n[*]', ''), 'addlink' : Array('[URL="#\#value#\#"]', '[/URL]'), 'addimg' : Array('[IMG]', '[/IMG]'), 'font_family' : Array('[FONT="#\#value#\#"]', '[/FONT]'), 'font_size' : Array('[SIZE="#\#value#\#"]', '[/SIZE]'), 'font_color' : Array('[COLOR="#\#value#\#"]', '[/COLOR]'), 'smile' : Array('', '') }; this.usedFonts = new Array('Times New Roman','Georgia','Arial','Arial Black','Arial Narrow','Book Antiqua','Comic Sans MS','Courier New','Lucida Concole','Tahoma','Verdana'); this.maxTextSize = 7; this.usedColors = new Array('Black','Sienna','DarkOliveGreen','DarkGreen','DarkSlateBlue','Navy','Indigo','DarkSlateGray','DarkRed','DarkOrange','Olive','Green','Teal','Blue','SlateGray','DimGray','Red','SandyBrown','YellowGreen','SeaGreen','MediumTurquoise','RoyalBlue','Purple','Gray','Magenta','Orange','Yellow','Lime','Cyan','DeepSkyBlue','DarkOrchid','Silver','Pink','Wheat','LemonChiffon','PaleGreen','PaleTurquoise','LightBlue','Plum','White'); this.smilesPath = 'base'; this.baseSmiles = new Array(new Array('smile.gif', 'Smile', ':)'),new Array('laugh.gif', 'Laugh', ':D'),new Array('frown.gif', 'Frown', ':('),new Array('wink.gif', 'Wink', ';)'),new Array('blush.gif', 'Blush', ':blush:'),new Array('eek.gif', 'Eek', ':eek:'),new Array('pardon.gif', 'Pardon', ':pardon:'),new Array('cry.gif', 'Cry', ':cry:'),new Array('cool.gif', 'Cool', ':cool:'),new Array('angry.gif', 'Angry', ':angry:'),new Array('finger_up.gif', 'Thumbs up', ':finger_up:'),new Array('finger_down.gif', 'Thumbs down', ':finger_down:'),new Array('rose.gif', 'Rose', ':rose:')); this.allSmiles = new Array(); this.allSmilesTitles = {'':''}; this.smilesCopyright = ''; this.init = function(){ userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isIE = userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && userAgent.indexOf('opera') == -1 && typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined'; if(typeof(this.langData) != 'object' || this.langData.length == 0){ this.langData = new Array( 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Quote', 'Align left', 'Align center', 'Align right', 'Justify', 'Insert list', 'Insert link', 'Delete link', 'Insert image', 'Font', 'Size', 'Color', 'more', 'Insert code', 'Indent', 'Outdent', 'Preview', 'Hide preview', 'Update preview', 'Message to short!' ); } for(i = 0; i < this.baseSmiles.length; i++){ this.allSmilesTitles[this.baseSmiles[i][0]] = this.baseSmiles[i][1]; } for(i = 0; i < this.allSmiles.length; i++){ this.allSmilesTitles[this.allSmiles[i][0]] = this.allSmiles[i][1]; } } this.setUseNoindex = function(noindexState){ this.useNoIndex = noindexState; } this.setFontHeight = function(fontHeight){ this.fontHeight = fontHeight; } this.procAction = function(action, subaction){ var res = false; if(this.isInitialized){ if(this._procAction(action, subaction)){ res = true; } } return res; } this._procAction = function(action, subaction){ var success = false; switch(action){ case 'bold': case 'italic': case 'underlined': case 'code': case 'indent': this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags[action]); success = true; break; case 'outdent': var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); if(selTxt != '' && selTxt.indexOf('[INDENT]') != -1 && selTxt.indexOf('[/INDENT]') != -1){ selTxt = selTxt.replace(/\[INDENT\]((.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/INDENT\]/g, '$1'); this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['empty'], selTxt); success = true; } break; case 'quote': if(typeof(subaction) == "undefined"){ subaction = ""; } var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); var tmpTags = new Array(subaction.length == 0 ? this.aTags['quote'][0] : this.aTags['quote'][1], this.aTags['quote'][2]); subaction = subaction.replace(/<.*?>/g, ''); tmpTags[0] = tmpTags[0].replace(/#\#value#\#/g, subaction.replace(/"/g, '"')); this._boundSelectionWithTags(tmpTags, selTxt); success = true; break; case 'align': if(subaction != undefined && this.aTags['align:'+subaction]){ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['align:'+subaction]); success = true; } break; case 'ulist': var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); if(selTxt != ''){ this._procSelectionList(selTxt); }else{ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['ulist']); var listLine = ''; listLine = prompt('Введите элемент списка', ''); while(listLine != '' && listLine != null){ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['ulist_item'], listLine, true); listLine = prompt('Введите элемент списка. Пустота для завершения списка.', ''); } } success = true; break; case 'addlink': urlLine = prompt('Введите URL', 'http://'); if(urlLine != '' && urlLine != null){ var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); var tmpTags = new Array(this.aTags['addlink'][0], this.aTags['addlink'][1]); tmpTags[0] = tmpTags[0].replace(/#\#value#\#/g, urlLine.replace(/"/g, '"')); selTxt = selTxt == '' ? urlLine : selTxt; this._boundSelectionWithTags(tmpTags, selTxt); success = true; } break; case 'dellink': var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); if(selTxt != '' && selTxt.indexOf('[URL') != -1 && selTxt.indexOf('[/URL]') != -1){ selTxt = selTxt.replace(/\[URL=\".*?\"\]/g, ''); selTxt = selTxt.replace(/\[\/URL\]/g, ''); this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['empty'], selTxt); success = true; } break; case 'addimg': var urlLine = 'http://'; do { urlLine = prompt('Введите URL изображения', urlLine); askURL = urlLine != null; if (askURL) { urlLine = urlLine.replace(/^(.*?)\?.*$/, '$1'); if (urlLine != '') { var allowedImages = this.allowedImages; var re = /^https?\:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/[^\?]*)(\?.*)?/; re.exec(urlLine); if (RegExp.$2 == '' || RegExp.$1 == '') { alert(this.langData[23]); } else if (allowedImages.indexOf('internal_links') < 0 && urlLine.indexOf(frontBaseHref) == 0) { alert(this.langData[24]); } else if (allowedImages.indexOf('external_links') < 0 && urlLine.indexOf(frontBaseHref) != 0) { alert(this.langData[25]); } else { var tmpTags = new Array(this.aTags['addimg'][0], this.aTags['addimg'][1]); this._boundSelectionWithTags(tmpTags, urlLine); success = true; askURL = false; } } } } while (askURL); break; case 'font_family': case 'font_size': case 'font_color': if(subaction != undefined && subaction != ''){ var tmpTags = new Array(this.aTags[action][0], this.aTags[action][1]); tmpTags[0] = tmpTags[0].replace(/#\#value#\#/g, subaction); this._boundSelectionWithTags(tmpTags); success = true; } break; case 'smile': if(subaction != undefined){ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['smile'], subaction, true); success = true; } break; } this.updatePreviewButton(); return success; } this._boundSelectionWithTags = function(pTags, text, setPointerToEnd){ if(pTags[0] == undefined) pTags[0] = ''; if(pTags[1] == undefined) pTags[1] = ''; if(text == undefined) text = this._getSelectedText(); this._replaceSelection(pTags[0]+text+pTags[1], pTags[0].length, pTags[1].length, setPointerToEnd); } this._procSelectionList = function(text){ // Try to understand next regexp ;-). From start of string any not empty string which does not start from [/?LIST] or [*] text = text.replace(/(^|\n)(?!(\r?\n)|(\[\/?LIST\])|(\[\*\]))/g, this.aTags['ulist_item'][0]); this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['ulist'], text); } this._calcMultiLineTextLen = function(text){ if(this.isIE){ text = text.replace(/\r/g, ''); } return text.length; } this._getSelectedText = function(){ var text = ''; this.editorObj.focus(); if(document.selection && document.selection.createRange()){ var sRange = document.selection.createRange(); text = sRange.text; }else if(typeof(this.editorObj.selectionStart) != undefined){ var sStart = parseInt(this.editorObj.selectionStart); var sEnd = parseInt(this.editorObj.selectionEnd); text = this.editorObj.value; text = text.substr(sStart, sEnd-sStart); } return text; } this._replaceSelection = function(newText, newSelDl, newSelDr, setPointerToEnd){ this.editorObj.focus(); if(document.selection && document.selection.createRange()){ var sRange = document.selection.createRange(); sRange.text = newText.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n'); if(setPointerToEnd) sRange.moveStart('character', -newSelDr); else sRange.moveStart('character', -this._calcMultiLineTextLen(newText)+newSelDl); sRange.moveEnd('character', -newSelDr); sRange.select(); }else if(typeof(this.editorObj.selectionStart) != undefined){ var sStart = parseInt(this.editorObj.selectionStart); var sEnd = parseInt(this.editorObj.selectionEnd); var sTop = this.editorObj.scrollTop; var sText = this.editorObj.value; this.editorObj.value = sText.substr(0, sStart)+newText+sText.substr(sEnd); if(setPointerToEnd) this.editorObj.selectionStart = sStart+newText.length-newSelDr; else this.editorObj.selectionStart = sStart+newSelDl; this.editorObj.selectionEnd = sStart+newText.length-newSelDr; this.editorObj.scrollTop = sTop; } } this.regTextAreaResize = function(clientY){ this.regTextAreaResizeY = clientY; globalATEObj = this; document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove; document.onmouseup = releaseMouseMoveHandler; return false; } this.handleMouseMove = function(clientY){ if(this.regTextAreaResizeY > 0){ var reqHeight = this.editorObj.offsetHeight-this.regTextAreaResizeY+clientY; if(reqHeight > 50){ this.editorObj.style.height = reqHeight; this.regTextAreaResizeY = clientY; } } return false; } this._HTMLSpecialChars = function(taValue){ taValue = taValue.replace(/&/g, '&'); taValue = taValue.replace(/"/g, '"'); taValue = taValue.replace(//g, '>'); return taValue; } this.getHTMLContent = function(cutLongURL){ var baseHref = typeof(frontBaseHref) == 'string' ? frontBaseHref : (typeof(editorBaseHref) == 'undefined' ? '' : editorBaseHref); var smilesPath = baseHref + '_mod_files/smiles/' + this.smilesPath + '/'; var specSmiles = {";)":"wink", ":)":"smile", ":D":"laugh", ":(":"frown"}; var localUseNoIndex = this.useNoIndex; var fontHeight = this.fontHeight; taValue = this._HTMLSpecialChars(this.editorObj.value); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n/g, '
\r\n'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(\/?)(B|I|U)\]/gi, '<$1$2>'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[CODE\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/CODE\]/gi, function(allstr, tagContent){ tagContent = tagContent.replace(/
/gi, ''); var nlCount = 1; var nlPos = tagContent.indexOf('\n'); while(nlPos != -1){ nlCount++; nlPos = tagContent.indexOf('\n', nlPos+1); } if(nlCount > 10) nlCount = 10; return '
'; }); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[Q\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[Q="(.*?)"\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(\/?)(INDENT|Q)\]/gi, '<$1BLOCKQUOTE>'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER|JUSTIFY)\]/gi, '

'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/(LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER|JUSTIFY)\]/gi, '

'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[LIST\]/gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\*\]/gi, '
  • '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[FONT="(.*?)"\]/gi, function(allstr, fontName){return ''}); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(COLOR|SIZE)="(.*?)"\]/gi, function(allstr, tagParam, paramValue){return ''}); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/(FONT|SIZE|COLOR)\]/gi, ''); var urlMaxLength = typeof(cutLongURL) == 'undefined' ? 0 : 50; taValue = taValue.replace(/\[URL="(.*?)"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/URL\]/gi, function(allstr, url, linkContent){ var curUseNoIndex = localUseNoIndex; var curUrl = _tagsParamReplace(url); if(curUseNoIndex && (!curUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || (baseHref.length > 0 && curUrl.indexOf(baseHref) >= 0))) curUseNoIndex = false; var attributes = ''; linkContent = _trim(linkContent); var noTagsLinkContent = _trim(_stripTags(linkContent).replace(/\"/g, '"')); if ((urlMaxLength > 0) && (noTagsLinkContent.length > urlMaxLength)) { attributes = ' title="' + noTagsLinkContent + '"'; linkContent = noTagsLinkContent.substr(0, urlMaxLength - 8 - 3) + '...' + noTagsLinkContent.substr(noTagsLinkContent.length - 8); } return (curUseNoIndex ? '' : '')+''+linkContent+''+(curUseNoIndex ? '' : ''); }); var allSmilesTitles = this.allSmilesTitles; taValue = taValue.replace(/\[IMG\](.*?)\[\/IMG\]/gi, function(allstr, url){return ''}); taValue = taValue.replace(/(;\)|:\)|:D|:\()/g, function(allstr, smile){var imgName = specSmiles[smile]+'.gif'; return ''}); taValue = taValue.replace(/\:([a-z\_]{1,20})\:/gi, function(allstr, smile){var imgName = smile+'.gif'; return ''}); taValue = taValue.replace(/((?:)|(?:))/gi, function(allstr, pTagContent){ pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/http(s?)\:/gi, 'htBREAKtp$1:'); pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/www/gi, 'wBREAKwBREAKw'); return pTagContent; }); taValue = taValue.replace(/(https?:\/\/www\.|https?:\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,8}[^ \r\n\t'"><]*/gi, function(allstr, prefx){ var curUseNoIndex = localUseNoIndex; var curUrl = _tagsParamReplace(allstr); if(prefx.toLowerCase() == 'www.'){ curUrl = 'http://' + curUrl; } if(curUseNoIndex && (!curUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || (baseHref.length > 0 && curUrl.indexOf(baseHref) >= 0))) curUseNoIndex = false; return (curUseNoIndex ? '' : '')+''+allstr+''+(curUseNoIndex ? '' : ''); }); taValue = taValue.replace(/((?:)|(?:))/gi, function(allstr, pTagContent){ pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/wBREAKwBREAKw/gi, 'www'); pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/htBREAKtp(s?):/gi, 'http$1:'); return pTagContent; }); return taValue; } this.fromHTMLContent = function(taValue){ var smilesPath = '_mod_files/smiles/' + this.smilesPath + '/'; var specSmiles = {"wink":";)", "smile":":)", "laugh":":D", "frown":":("}; // Make single line string taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n?\r?\n?/gi, '\r\n'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\\([rn])/gi, '[_spec_rpl_val_$1]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\\n'); // Replace simple elements taValue = taValue.replace(/<(\/?)PRE.*?>/gi, '[$1CODE]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/<(\/?)(B|I|U)(?:>|[^a-z].*?>)/gi, '[$1$2]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/<(\/?)UL.*?>/gi, '[$1LIST]'); taValue = taValue.replace(//gi, '[*]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/<\/LI.*?>/gi, ''); // Replace images and smiles taValue = taValue.replace(/]*?src=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s]*).*?>/gi, function(allstr, tagUrl){ var tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); var pathPos = tagUrl.indexOf(smilesPath); if(pathPos >= 0){ var dotPos = tagUrl.indexOf(".", pathPos+smilesPath.length); if(dotPos >= 0){ var startPos = pathPos+smilesPath.length; var smileName = tagUrl.substr(startPos, dotPos-startPos); if(specSmiles[smileName] != undefined){ return specSmiles[smileName]; }else return ':'+smileName+':'; } } return '[IMG]'+tagUrl+'[/IMG]';} ); // Replace nested elements var replaceType = new Array('align', 'font', 'url', 'blockquote'); for(var i = 0; i < replaceType.length; i++){ var checkLen = 0; do{ checkLen = taValue.length; if(replaceType[i] == 'align') taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)]*?align=(?:"|')?(right|left|center|justify)(?:"|')?.*?>(.*?)<\/p(?:>|[^a-z].*?>)/i, '$1[$2]$3[/$2]'); else if(replaceType[i] == 'font') taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)]*?(face|size|color)=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s>]*).*?>(.*?)<\/font.*?>/i, function(allstr, textStart, tagName, tagValue, tagContent){var tagTag = (tagName.toLowerCase() == "face" ? "FONT" : tagName.toUpperCase()); tagValue = tagValue.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); return textStart+'['+tagTag+'="'+tagValue+'"]'+tagContent+'[/'+tagTag+']';}); else if(replaceType[i] == 'url') { // todo: optimize and make only one regexp taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)]*?href=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s>]*).*?(?:title="([^"]+)")[^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a(?:>|[^a-z].*?>)/im, function(allstr, textStart, tagUrl, title, tagContent){var tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); return textStart+'[URL="'+tagUrl+'"]'+title.replace(/"/mg, '"').replace(/ /mg, '\n').replace(/ /mg, '\r')+'[/URL]';}); taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)]*?(?:title="([^"]+)" )href=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s>]*)[^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a(?:>|[^a-z].*?>)/im, function(allstr, textStart, title, tagUrl, tagContent){var tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); return textStart+'[URL="'+tagUrl+'"]'+title.replace(/"/mg, '"').replace(/ /mg, '\n').replace(/ /mg, '\r')+'[/URL]';}); taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)]*?href=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s>]*).*?>(.*?)<\/a(?:>|[^a-z].*?>)/i, function(allstr, textStart, tagUrl, tagContent){var tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); return textStart+'[URL="'+tagUrl+'"]'+tagContent+'[/URL]';}); } else if(replaceType[i] == 'blockquote'){ taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)(?:\[B\](.*?):\[\/B\]\\n)?(.*?)<\/BLOCKQUOTE>/i, function(allstr, tagBefore, tagInner, qAuthor, tagContent){ var isQuote = (tagInner.indexOf('edQuote') >= 0); var hasAuthor = (typeof(qAuthor) != "undefined" && qAuthor.length > 0); if(isQuote){ var startTag = '[Q'+(hasAuthor ? '="'+qAuthor+'"' : '')+']'; return tagBefore+startTag+tagContent+'[/Q]'; }else{ return tagBefore+'[INDENT]'+(hasAuthor ? qAuthor : '')+tagContent+'[/INDENT]'; } }); } }while(checkLen != taValue.length); } // Replace HTML base chars taValue = taValue.replace(/</gi, '<'); taValue = taValue.replace(/>/gi, '>'); taValue = taValue.replace(/®/gi, '®'); taValue = taValue.replace(/©/gi, '©'); taValue = taValue.replace(/«/gi, '«'); taValue = taValue.replace(/»/gi, '»'); taValue = taValue.replace(/–/gi, '–'); taValue = taValue.replace(/—/gi, '—'); taValue = taValue.replace(/€/gi, '€'); // Make multiline string taValue = taValue.replace(/\\n/g, '\r\n'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\_spec\_rpl\_val\_([rn])\]/gi, '\\$1'); return taValue; } this.createEditor = function(taWidth, taHeight, taValueName, taValue, isValueHTML, idPreviewDiv){ var baseHref = typeof(frontBaseHref) == 'string' ? '' : (typeof(editorBaseHref) != 'undefined' ? editorBaseHref : ''); this.editorId = 'id'+taValueName; var i = 0; var usedFonts = ''; for(i = 0; i < this.usedFonts.length; i++){ usedFonts += ''; } var usedSizes = ''; for(i = 1; i <= this.maxTextSize; i++){ usedSizes += ''; } var usedColors = ''; for(i = 0; i < this.usedColors.length; i++){ usedColors += ''; } var baseSmiles = ''; for(i = 0; i < this.baseSmiles.length; i++){ baseSmiles += ''; } var allSmiles = baseSmiles; for(i = 0; i < this.allSmiles.length; i++){ allSmiles += ''; } var contentPreviewDiv = ''; if(typeof(idPreviewDiv) != "undefined"){ this.idPreviewDiv = idPreviewDiv; }else{ this.idPreviewDiv = 'amiroTEdDivPreview'; contentPreviewDiv = '
    '; } var allowedImages = this.allowedImages; document.writeln( '
    ' + contentPreviewDiv + '
    ' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + (allowedImages.length ? '' : '') + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + baseSmiles + (allSmiles.length > baseSmiles.length ? ''+this.langData[15]+'' + '
    ' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' ); this.editorObj = document.getElementById(this.editorId); this.isInitialized = true; } this.insertContent = function(taValue, actionType, isValueHTML, subaction, addon){ this.setMode('editor'); if(typeof(addon) != "undefined" && actionType == "bold"){ taValue = "[B]"+taValue+"[/B]"+addon; this._replaceSelection(typeof(isValueHTML) == undefined || !isValueHTML ? taValue : this.fromHTMLContent(taValue), 0, 0, true); }else{ this._replaceSelection(typeof(isValueHTML) == undefined || !isValueHTML ? taValue : this.fromHTMLContent(taValue), 0, 0); if(actionType != 'undefined' && (actionType == 'quote' || actionType == 'bold' || actionType == 'italic' || actionType == 'underlined')){ this.procAction(actionType, subaction); } } } this.setMode = function(mode){ if(mode == 'editor' && !this.updatePreviewMode){ document.getElementById('amiroTEdDivPreview').style.display = 'none'; this.currentMode = 'editor'; if(this.editorModeCode.length > 0){ eval(this.editorModeCode); } }else if(mode == 'preview' || this.updatePreviewMode){ var content = this.getHTMLContent(1); if (content.length) { document.getElementById('amiroTEdDivPreview').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('amiroTEdDivPreview').innerHTML = content; this.currentMode = 'preview'; if (this.updatePreviewMode) { this.previewButtonObj.value = this.langData[20]; // 'Hide preview' } this.updatePreviewMode = false; } } if (typeof(amiroTEditOnSwitchMode) == 'function') { amiroTEditOnSwitchMode(this.currentMode); } } this.switchMode = function(){ if(this.currentMode == 'editor'){ this.setMode('preview'); }else{ this.setMode('editor'); } } this.stopEvent = function(evt){ if(typeof(evt.stopPropagation) == "function"){ evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); return evt; }else{ window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = true; return window.event; } } this.procKeyPress = function(evt){ if(evt.ctrlKey && evt.keyCode != 17){ switch(evt.keyCode){ case 66 /*B*/: this.procAction('bold'); return this.stopEvent(evt); break; case 73 /*I*/: this.procAction('italic'); return this.stopEvent(evt); break; case 85 /*U*/: this.procAction('underlined'); return this.stopEvent(evt); break; } }else if(!evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey){ this.updatePreviewButton(); } } this.procKeyUp = function() { if (this.currentMode == 'preview' && this.contentLength() < 2) { this.updatePreviewMode = false; this.previewButtonOnClick(); alert(this.langData[22]); // 'Message to short!' } } this.contentLength = function(){ var contentData = this.editorObj.value; contentData = contentData.replace(/[ \t\r\n]/g, ''); var replaceType = new Array('q'); for(var i = 0; i < replaceType.length; i++){ var checkLen = 0; do{ checkLen = contentData.length; if(replaceType[i] == 'q'){ contentData = contentData.replace(/^(.*)\[Q[^\]]*?\](.*?)\[\/Q\]/i, '$1'); } }while(checkLen != contentData.length); } contentData = contentData.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, ''); return contentData.length; } this.previewButtonOnClick = function(btn) { if (btn != undefined) { this.previewButtonObj = btn; } else { btn = this.previewButtonObj; } if (this.currentMode == 'preview') { btn.value = this.langData[19]; // 'Preview' txtEd.setMode('editor'); } else if (this.contentLength() < 2) { alert(this.langData[22]); // 'Message to short!' this.editorObj.focus(); } else { btn.value = this.langData[20]; // 'Hide preview' txtEd.setMode('preview'); } return false; } this.updatePreviewButton = function(){ if (this.currentMode == 'preview' && this.previewButtonObj != undefined) { this.previewButtonObj.value = this.langData[21]; // 'Update preview' this.updatePreviewMode = true; } } this.init(); } function handleMouseMove(evt){ if(typeof(globalATEObj) == 'object') return globalATEObj.handleMouseMove(evt == undefined ? window.event.clientY : evt.pageY); else return false; } function releaseMouseMoveHandler(){ document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; return false; } function _tagsParamReplace(param){ return param.replace(/&/, '&'); } function _stripTags(str) { return str.replace(/<\/?[^\s^>]+[^>]*?>/gi, ''); } function _trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/mg, '').replace(/\s+$/mg, ''); }