function show_picture(script, src, alt, width, height) { // alt must be escaped or empty because escape(str) doesn't work with russian symbols if ( (script.substring(0,7).toLowerCase()) != "http://" && (script.substring(0,8).toLowerCase() != "https:///" ) ){ script = frontBaseHref + script; } var w_width = 40 + parseInt(width); var w_height = 100 + parseInt(height); if (w_height > window.screen.availHeight) w_height = window.screen.availHeight; if (w_width > window.screen.availWidth) w_width = window.screen.availWidth; src = escape(src); src = src.replace(/\//g, '%2F');"?src=" + src + "&alt=" + alt + "&width="+width + "&height="+height, "pic", "resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=yes, width=" + w_width + ", height=" + w_height); } function show_details(script) { if ( (script.substring(0,7).toLowerCase()) != "http://" && (script.substring(0,8).toLowerCase() != "https:///" ) ){ script = frontBaseHref + script; } var w_width = 200; var w_height = 250; if (w_height > window.screen.availHeight) w_height = window.screen.availHeight; if (w_width > window.screen.availWidth) w_width = window.screen.availWidth;, "pic", "resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=yes, width=" + w_width + ", height=" + w_height); } function none(){ return false; } function isEmail(string) { // if (^(\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+(;|,|$))+$/) != -1) if (^(\w+[\w.-]*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+(;|,|$))+$/) != -1) return true; else return false; } // // following functions will be deleted later // function collect_link(cform){ var vlink = ''; var first = 1; for(var i=0; i= 0){ if((pos1 = shownAdvPlaces.indexOf(';', pos+1)) < 0) pos1 = shownAdvPlaces.length; if(pos1-pos-1 > 0){ curAdvPlace = shownAdvPlaces.substr(pos+1, pos1-pos-1); if((cpos = curAdvPlace.indexOf('_')) >= 0){ counter = curAdvPlace.substr(cpos+1)-1; curAdvPlace = curAdvPlace.substr(0, cpos); } advPlaceCnts[curAdvPlace] = ++counter; res += ';'+curAdvPlace+"_"+counter; } } if(res.length > 0) res += ';'; return res; } function showAdvPlace(idPlace, viewURL){ if(isInnerHtmlSupported == -1){ if(document.body.innerHTML) isInnerHtmlSupported = 1; else isInnerHtmlSupported = 0; } // After the document is loaded (new scheme) if(isInnerHtmlSupported == 1){ shownAdvPlacesCnt ++; document.write(''); shownAdvPlaces += (shownAdvPlaces == '' ? ';' : '')+idPlace+';'; // Old scheme - inline method }else{ if (!document.usedAdvData) document.usedAdvData = ''; rndseed = new String(Math.random()); rndseed = rndseed.substring(2,11); document.write ("<" + "script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='"+viewURL+"aproc.php?action=view&rs="+advCurTmStamp.getTime()+rndseed+"&place="+idPlace+"&used="+document.usedAdvData+"&curl="+escape(viewURL)+"&referer="+escape(advReferrer)+"'><"+"/script>"); } } function showAdvBanner(id, content){ if(document.usedAdvData) document.usedAdvData += ','+id+','; else document.usedAdvData = ','+id+','; document.writeln(content); } function aLnkClick(lnkID){ var aLink = frontBaseHref+"aproc.php?action=lclick&id="+lnkID+"&page_url="+escape(document.location.href); advClick(aLink); } function advClick(clickURL){ rndseed = new String(Math.random()); rndseed = rndseed.substring(2,11); clickURL+="&rs="+advCurTmStamp.getTime()+rndseed; img = new Image(); img.src = clickURL; } var advPlacesContent = new Array(); var fillAdvPlaceWatcher = new Array(); function fillAdvPlace(idPlace, idCnt, placeContent){ if(advPlacesContent[idPlace+'_'+idCnt] == undefined) advPlacesContent[idPlace+'_'+idCnt] = placeContent; if(fillAdvPlaceWatcher[idPlace+'_'+idCnt] == undefined) fillAdvPlaceWatcher[idPlace+'_'+idCnt] = 0; if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById('advp_'+idPlace+'_'+idCnt) && document.getElementById('advp_'+idPlace+'_'+idCnt).innerHTML != undefined){ document.getElementById('advp_'+idPlace+'_'+idCnt).innerHTML = advPlacesContent[idPlace+'_'+idCnt]; }else{ fillAdvPlaceWatcher ++; if(fillAdvPlaceWatcher < 1000) setTimeout("fillAdvPlace('"+idPlace+"', '"+idCnt+"');", 100); } } /* MODULE ADVERTISEMENT PART [not in use] */ /* // String that contains module show data var modAdvIdsArr = new Array(); // Set item view function setView(modName, bodyType, id, idPlace){ if(isNaN(idPlace)) idPlace = 0; var isFound = 0; for(var i = 0; i < modAdvIdsArr.length; i++){ if(modAdvIdsArr[i][0] == modName){ modAdvIdsArr[i][1] += '|'+bodyType+id+','+idPlace; isFound = 1; break; } } if(!isFound) modAdvIdsArr[modAdvIdsArr.length] = new Array(modName, bodyType+id+','+idPlace); } // Process gathered adv IDs function processViewAdvIds(){ var retStr = ''; for(var i = 0; i < modAdvIdsArr.length; i++) retStr += (retStr != '' ? ';' : '')+modAdvIdsArr[i][0]+'='+modAdvIdsArr[i][1]; alert(retStr); return retStr; } */ // Returns cookie value function getCookie(name) { var search = name + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { // if there are any cookies offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1) { // if cookie exists offset += search.length; // set index of beginning of value end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set index of end of cookie value if (end == -1) { end = document.cookie.length; } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } } // {{{ window.onLoad events queue implementation var onLoadEvents = new Array (); var previousOnLoadEvent; function addOnLoadEvent(event) { onLoadEvents[onLoadEvents.length] = event; } function runOnLoadEventsQueue() { if (previousOnLoadEvent) { previousOnLoadEvent(); } for (var i = 0 ; i < onLoadEvents.length; i++) { onLoadEvents[i](); } } function savePreviousOnLoadEvent() { previousOnLoadEvent = window.onload; window.onload = runOnLoadEventsQueue; } // }}} function setCaptchaMD5Hash(sid) { var cookie = getCookie('captcha_' + sid); if (cookie && cookie.length) { clearInterval(eval("intervalId_" + sid)); eval("captcha_" + sid + " = cookie;"); var path = null; var domain = null; if (location) { domain =; path = frontBaseHref.replace(/^\w+\:\/\/[^\/]+/, ''); } delCookie('captcha_' + sid, path, domain); } } if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(val, fromIndex) { if (typeof(fromIndex) != 'number') { fromIndex = 0; } for (var index = fromIndex,len = this.length; index < len; index++) { if (this[index] == val) { return index; } } return -1; } } if (!Array.prototype.splice) { Array.prototype._splice = function(start) { if (start >= this.length) { return; } return this.slice(start); } Array.prototype._splice = function(start, deleteCount) { if (start >= this.length) { return; } return this.slice(0, start-1).concat(this.slice(start + deleteCount)); } } function cloneArray(source) { var destination = new Array(); for (var i = 0 ; i < source.length ; i++) { if (!(typeof(source[i]) == 'undefined')) { destination[i] = source[i]; } } return destination; } /* products comparison */ var mComparisonList = new Array (), mComparisonURL = ''; function compare(key) { if (compareProducts.indexOf(key) >= 0) { alert(compareInComparisonAlready); return false; } if (mComparisonList.length && !confirm(compareAddSelected)) { return false; } if (compareProducts.length == compareMaxQuantity) { alert(compareMaxMessage); return false; } if (mComparisonList.indexOf(key) < 0) { mComparisonList.push(key); } // check for different datasets if (compareDisallowDifferentDatasets && compareProducts.length > 0) { var datasetId = compareDatasetId; var _mComparisonList = cloneArray(mComparisonList); for (var i = 0, qty = _mComparisonList.length ; i < qty ; i++) { var p = _mComparisonList[i].split('-'); // p[2] is containing datasetId now if (!compareDatasetId) { compareDatasetId = p[2]; } if (compareDatasetId != p[2]) { if (!confirm(compareConfirmOtherDataset)) { return false; } break; } } } return mSubmitAddToCompare(); } function compareClear() { if (confirm(compareConfirmListClearing)) { document.location = location.pathname + '?action=compareClear'; } return false; } function mCompare(oCheckbox) { var key = oCheckbox.value; if (oCheckbox.checked) { // exclude duplicates if (compareProducts.indexOf(key) >= 0) { alert(compareInComparisonAlready); oCheckbox.checked = false; return false; } // check for max quantity of products to compare if (compareProducts.length == compareMaxQuantity) { alert(compareMaxMessage); oCheckbox.checked = false; return false; } // check for different datasets if (compareDisallowDifferentDatasets) { var p = key.split('-'); if ((compareProducts.length + mComparisonList.length) > 0 && p[2] != copmpareLastDatasetId && !confirm(compareConfirmOtherDataset)) { oCheckbox.checked = false; return false; } copmpareLastDatasetId = p[2]; // uncheck checked products having other dataset var _mComparisonList = cloneArray(mComparisonList); for (var i = 0, qty = _mComparisonList.length ; i < qty ; i++) { var p = _mComparisonList[i].split('-'); if (p[2] != copmpareLastDatasetId) { var o = document.getElementById('cmp_' + _mComparisonList[i]); o.checked = false; mCompare(o); } } // count real number of products to comapere after adding var _compareProducts = cloneArray(compareProducts); for (var i = 0, qty = compareProducts.length ; i < qty ; i++) { var p = compareProducts[i].split('-'); if (p[2] != copmpareLastDatasetId) { var index = _compareProducts.indexOf(compareProducts[i]); if (Array.prototype.splice) { _compareProducts.splice(index, 1); } else { _compareProducts = mComparisonList._splice(index, 1); } } } // check for max quantity of products to compare after manipulations if (_compareProducts.length + mComparisonList.length >= compareMaxQuantity) { alert(compareMaxMessage); oCheckbox.checked = false; return false; } } mComparisonList.push(key); } else { var index = mComparisonList.indexOf(key); if (index > -1) { if (Array.prototype.splice) { mComparisonList.splice(index, 1); } else { mComparisonList = mComparisonList._splice(index, 1); } copmpareLastDatasetId = compareDatasetId; } } } function mSubmitAddToCompare() { var qty = mComparisonList.length; if (!qty) { alert(compareListIsEmpty); return false; } var _mComparisonList = cloneArray(mComparisonList); // check for added already products and exclude its from mComparisonList for (var i = 0 ; i < qty ; i++) { var index = compareProducts.indexOf(_mComparisonList[i]); if (index >= 0) { // exclude duplicate product if (Array.prototype.splice) { mComparisonList.splice(_mComparisonList.indexOf(mComparisonList[i]), 1); } else { mComparisonList = mComparisonList._splice(_mComparisonList.indexOf(mComparisonList[i]), 1); } } } document.location = location.pathname + '?action=compare&products=' + _mComparisonList.join(';'); return false; } function mCompareSelected(url) { if (mComparisonList.length < 2) { if (mComparisonList.length < 1 && compareProducts.length > 1) { + url + '?p=' + compareProducts.join(';') + '&h=&v=all&lay_id=100'); return false; } alert(compareListInsufficient); return false; } if (compareProducts.length && !confirm(compareConfirmPreviousClearing)) { return false; } + url + '?p=' + mComparisonList.join(';') + '&h=&v=all&lay_id=100'); return false; } /* /products comparison */ function getXPos(elem){ x = 0; do { x += elem.offsetLeft; } while((elem = elem.offsetParent) != null); return x; } function getYPos(elem){ y = 0; do { y += elem.offsetTop; } while((elem = elem.offsetParent) != null); return y; } var calendarBlock; var calendarDateFieldName; function getCalendar(in_dateField, lang, dateFormat, divIdPrefix){ var elevPrefix = typeof(divIdPrefix) == 'indefined' ? '' : divIdPrefix; calendarTarget = in_dateField; calendarBlock = document.getElementById(elevPrefix + "calendar_block"); if(calendarBlock && (!="block" || ( +!=calendarDateFieldName))){ calendarDateFieldName = +; cLeft = getXPos(calendarTarget)+calendarTarget.offsetWidth; cTop = getYPos(calendarTarget)+calendarTarget.offsetHeight; var dconfAddon = ''; if(typeof(dateFormat) != 'undefined' && dateFormat != ''){ dconfAddon = '&date_format='+dateFormat; } document.getElementById(elevPrefix + "calendar_block_frm").src = "calendar.php?v=2&lang="+lang+dconfAddon;"block"; var correctLeft = cLeft + calendarBlock.offsetWidth - document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientWidth; var correctTop = cTop + calendarBlock.offsetHeight - document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientHeight; = cLeft - ((correctLeft > 0)?correctLeft:0); = cTop - ((correctTop > 0)?correctTop:0); document.getElementById(elevPrefix + "calendar_block_frm").contentWindow.document.body.focus(); }else if(calendarBlock){"none"; } } function replaceDateTitle(objId){ var objObj = document.getElementById(objId); if(objObj){ var curDate = objObj.innerHTML; var rxToday = new RegExp(DATE_CONVERTION[2].replace(/\./, "\\.")); var rxYesterday = new RegExp(DATE_CONVERTION[3].replace(/\./, "\\.")); curDate = curDate.replace(rxToday, DATE_CONVERTION[0]); curDate = curDate.replace(rxYesterday, DATE_CONVERTION[1]); objObj.innerHTML = curDate; } } /* Пример использования календаря